2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch: A Unique and Valuable Collectible


In the world of sports memorabilia, collectors are always on the lookout for unique and valuable items that hold a special significance. One such item that has gained immense popularity among collectors is the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch. This article will delve into the details of this collectible, its significance, and why it has become a highly sought-after item in the sports memorabilia market.

What is the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch?

The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch is a special type of sports memorabilia that features a triple jersey patch from three different players on a single card. It is a limited edition item that was released in 2019 and has since gained significant attention from collectors.

The card is made from high-quality materials and showcases the jerseys of three prominent players from a particular sport. The jerseys are carefully cut into small pieces and embedded into the card, creating a visually stunning mosaic effect. Each card is unique, as the jerseys used in the patch are from actual game-worn jerseys of the respective players.

The Significance of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch

Collecting sports memorabilia is not just about owning a piece of history; it is also about capturing memorable moments and honoring the achievements of players. The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch encapsulates all these elements, making it a highly significant collectible.

Firstly, the card serves as a tangible connection to the players themselves. The fact that the jerseys used in the patch are game-worn adds an extra layer of authenticity and makes the card even more valuable. It allows collectors to own a piece of their favorite player’s career, something that holds immense sentimental value.

Secondly, the mosaic design of the card is visually appealing and unique. The careful arrangement of the jersey patches creates a stunning visual effect that stands out among other sports collectibles. The mosaic design adds an artistic touch to the card, making it not only a valuable item but also a work of art.

Lastly, the limited edition nature of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch adds to its significance. As with any limited edition item, the scarcity of the card increases its value and desirability among collectors. Only a limited number of these cards were produced, making them highly sought-after in the sports memorabilia market.

Why the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch is Highly Sought-After

The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch has gained immense popularity among collectors due to several reasons. Let’s explore why this collectible is highly sought-after in the sports memorabilia market:

1. Rarity

As mentioned earlier, the limited edition nature of the card contributes to its desirability. Collectors are always on the lookout for rare items that are not easily accessible. The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch fits this criterion perfectly, making it a highly sought-after collectible.

2. Unique Design

The mosaic design of the card sets it apart from other sports collectibles. The careful arrangement of the jersey patches creates an eye-catching visual effect that appeals to collectors. The uniqueness of the design adds to the card’s value and makes it a valuable addition to any sports memorabilia collection.

3. Authenticity

One of the key factors that make the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch highly sought-after is its authenticity. The fact that the jersey patches used in the card are from game-worn jerseys adds to its value and makes it a prized possession for collectors. The card serves as a tangible connection to the players and their achievements.

4. Investment Potential

Collecting sports memorabilia is not just a hobby for many; it is also seen as an investment opportunity. The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch has shown promising growth in terms of value over the years. As more collectors recognize its significance and rarity, the card’s value is expected to increase, making it an attractive investment option.

Case Study: The Rising Value of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch

To further illustrate the increasing value of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch, let’s take a look at a case study:

John, a passionate sports memorabilia collector, purchased a 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch card featuring three iconic basketball players. At the time of purchase, he paid $500 for the card, considering its rarity and unique design.

Over the next few years, the popularity of the card increased significantly, and more collectors sought to add it to their collection. As a result, the value of the card skyrocketed. After five years, John decided to sell his card and was pleasantly surprised to find that its value had increased to $2,500.

This case study exemplifies the potential for growth in the value of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch. Collectors who recognize its significance and invest in it early on can benefit from its increasing value over time.

The Impact of Statistics on the Value of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch

Statistics play a crucial role in the sports memorabilia market. They provide valuable insights into the performance and achievements of players, ultimately influencing the value of collectibles like the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch.

For example, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where one of the players featured on the card breaks a significant record or achieves a milestone in their career. This event generates widespread media coverage and increases the player’s popularity. Consequently, the value of the card featuring that player may experience a significant boost.

Similarly, if the players featured on the card perform exceptionally well in their respective sports, their market value increases. This increase in market value translates to higher demand for collectibles associated with those players, including the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch.

Collectors often keep a close eye on statistics, records, and achievements of players to identify potential opportunities for investment. By understanding the impact of statistics on the value of sports memorabilia, collectors can make informed decisions and capitalize on valuable collectibles like the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch.


The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch is a unique and valuable collectible that has gained immense popularity among sports memorabilia collectors. Its significance lies in its authenticity, unique design, limited edition nature, and investment potential. The rising value of this card over the years makes it a highly sought-after item in the sports memorabilia market.

Collectors who recognize the importance of this collectible and invest in it early on can benefit from its increasing value. The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch serves as a tangible connection to players and their achievements, making it a valuable addition to any sports memorabilia collection.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch cards were produced?

There were a limited number of 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch cards produced, making them highly sought-after among collectors.

2. Are the jerseys used in the patch game-worn?

Yes, the jerseys used in the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch are game-worn, adding to the authenticity and value of the card.

3. Can the value of the card increase over time?

Yes, the value of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch can increase over time, especially if the featured players achieve significant milestones or break records in their careers.

4. Is collecting sports memorabilia a good investment?

Collecting sports memorabilia can be a good investment opportunity, especially if collectors are knowledgeable about the market and make informed decisions.

5. How can I authenticate the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch?

It is important to purchase the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch from reputable sellers or dealers who can provide a certificate of authenticity. This ensures that the card is genuine and adds value to your collection.


The 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch is a highly significant and valuable collectible in the sports memorabilia market. Its combination of authenticity, unique design, limited edition nature, and investment potential makes it highly sought-after among collectors.

The mosaic design of the card, created using game-worn jerseys, adds an artistic touch and makes it visually appealing. The rarity of the card and its potential for growth in value over time make it an attractive option for collectors looking to invest in sports memorabilia.

Collectors who recognize the significance of the 2019 Obsidian Mosaic Material Triple Jersey Patch and invest in it early on can benefit from its increasing value. This collectible serves as a tangible connection to players and their achievements, making it a prized possession for any sports memorabilia enthusiast.


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