3 Simple Hijab Styles Using Jersey Material


Wearing a hijab is not only a religious obligation for Muslim women but also a beautiful expression of modesty and identity. Over the years, hijab fashion has evolved, offering women a wide range of styles and materials to choose from. One popular choice is the jersey material, known for its comfort, versatility, and draping capabilities. In this article, we will explore three simple hijab styles using jersey material that are easy to recreate and perfect for everyday wear.

1. The Classic Jersey Hijab

The classic jersey hijab style is a timeless and elegant choice for any occasion. It is characterized by its simplicity and clean lines, making it a versatile option that can be dressed up or down. Here’s how you can achieve this look:

  • Start by placing the jersey hijab over your head, ensuring that one side is longer than the other.
  • Take the longer side and wrap it around your head, bringing it back to the front.
  • Secure the hijab in place with a pin or a small knot.
  • Take the shorter side and wrap it around your head, overlapping it with the longer side.
  • Adjust the hijab to your desired tightness and drape.
  • Pin the hijab in place to ensure it stays secure throughout the day.

The classic jersey hijab style is perfect for everyday wear, as it is comfortable, easy to style, and provides ample coverage. It can be worn with any outfit, from casual jeans and a t-shirt to a more formal dress.

2. The Turban Hijab

If you’re looking for a trendy and chic hijab style, the turban hijab is the way to go. This style adds a modern twist to the traditional hijab, making it a fashion-forward choice for those who like to experiment with their looks. Here’s how you can achieve this style:

  • Start by placing the jersey hijab over your head, ensuring that it covers your hair completely.
  • Take one end of the hijab and wrap it around your head, covering the opposite ear.
  • Continue wrapping the hijab around your head, creating a turban-like shape.
  • Tuck the loose end of the hijab under the wrapped layers to secure it in place.
  • Adjust the turban to your desired tightness and shape.
  • Pin the hijab in place to ensure it stays secure throughout the day.

The turban hijab style is perfect for those who want to make a fashion statement while still adhering to their religious beliefs. It can be worn with casual or formal outfits, adding a touch of sophistication to any look.

3. The Side Draped Hijab

The side draped hijab style is a modern and feminine choice that adds volume and dimension to your overall look. It is a versatile style that can be customized to suit your personal preference. Here’s how you can achieve this look:

  • Start by placing the jersey hijab over your head, ensuring that one side is longer than the other.
  • Take the longer side of the hijab and bring it across your chest, draping it over one shoulder.
  • Secure the hijab in place with a pin or a small knot.
  • Take the shorter side of the hijab and bring it across your chest, draping it over the opposite shoulder.
  • Adjust the hijab to your desired tightness and drape.
  • Pin the hijab in place to ensure it stays secure throughout the day.

The side draped hijab style is perfect for those who want to add a touch of elegance and femininity to their outfit. It can be worn with a wide range of outfits, from casual to formal, and is suitable for various occasions.


Choosing the right hijab style is a personal decision that depends on individual preferences, comfort, and occasion. The jersey material offers a comfortable and versatile option for hijab wearers, allowing them to express their style while adhering to their religious beliefs. The classic jersey hijab, turban hijab, and side draped hijab are just a few examples of the many styles that can be achieved using jersey material. By experimenting with different styles and materials, hijab wearers can create unique and personalized looks that reflect their personality and beliefs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is jersey material suitable for all seasons?

Jersey material is known for its breathability and lightweight nature, making it suitable for all seasons. However, during colder months, you may want to layer your jersey hijab with a warmer fabric to provide additional insulation.

2. Can I wear a jersey hijab for formal occasions?

Yes, jersey hijabs can be worn for formal occasions. Opt for darker colors and styles that offer more coverage to achieve a sophisticated and elegant look.

3. How do I care for my jersey hijabs?

It is recommended to hand wash your jersey hijabs using a mild detergent and cold water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the fabric. Gently squeeze out excess water and lay flat to dry.

4. Can I wear accessories with my jersey hijab?

Absolutely! Accessories such as brooches, pins, and headbands can be used to add a touch of personal style to your jersey hijab. Just ensure that the accessories are lightweight and do not damage the fabric.

5. Can I experiment with different draping techniques using jersey material?

Yes, jersey material is known for its draping capabilities, making it perfect for experimenting with different hijab styles. Feel free to explore various draping techniques and find the ones that suit your face shape and personal style.


Jersey material offers a comfortable and versatile option for hijab wearers, allowing them to express their style while adhering to their religious beliefs. The classic jersey hijab, turban hijab, and side draped hijab are just a few examples of the many styles that can be achieved using jersey material. These styles can be easily recreated and are perfect for everyday wear. When choosing a hijab style, consider your personal preferences, comfort, and the occasion. By experimenting with different styles and materials, hijab wearers can create unique and personalized looks that reflect their personality and beliefs.


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